Travel & Places


Our Alaska Cruise Adventure

Finally, a new blog post!!! Sorry it's been so long, this post took me forevvver to finish. If you follow me on Instagram, you know we recently took a cruise to Alaska, to celebrate Ben's 30th birthday. We got super lucky with the weather and didn't hit any rain at all, plus we got to see tons of amazing scenery and wildlife. And we ate to our heart's content (and then […]


Dreamy Weekend Getaways

This post is sponsored by HomeAway. All opinions are my own. Now that we've been living at my parents house for a few months, we're itching to take a weekend getaway somewhere...and we're super excited to start exploring the area around us! It's fun to have some new possibilities for quick vacation spots that are within a few hours' drive. We've been throwing out lots of different ideas, so I […]


How to Plan a Trip Using Instagram

I've been meaning to write this post ever since we got back from our Washington-Texas road trip. We went out to lunch with some friends and they asked us how we planned all our destinations and specific activities, restaurants, and hotels. My answer ("Instagram!") was met with confused head tilts, which made me realize that most people still think of Instagram mostly as a way to keep up with their […]


We're Moving!

If you've been wondering why my posts have slowed down (again) recently...where's why: we're moving! We're checking off #1 on my 2017 goals and moving across the state to Spokane, WA, the city where I grew up. When I left for college 10 years ago, I honestly didn't expect to move back. But a lot of things happened last year that caused me to open my heart to the idea (the […]
