Fashion & Style


My New Favorite Outfit

Remember when I talked about trying to figure out my personal style? Since that post, I’ve been making an effort to buy more clothes that are colorful and cheery and make me smile. This outfit is one of my new favorites. I probably shouldn’t admit this, but I wore it twice last week--once to work, and once on the weekend! It’s okay as long as I didn’t see any of […]


Cute iPhone 6 Cases

I’ve had my new phone for a couple weeks now, but I’ve put off getting a case for it because I want to get a cute one and a lot of my favorite stores don’t have iPhone 6 cases yet. But I’m kind of a klutz and I’m afraid if I don’t get a case, I’m going to drop my phone and crack the screen! So I did a little […]


September Wish List

Ok, yes, I know it’s not September yet. But I’m already thinking of what I want to get with next month’s budget! First things first, our bedroom. I won’t be able to buy everything from the boards that Decorist put together for us, but I do want to get started. I liked the headboard from their first design board, but we’re thinking of doing a full bed frame instead, so we can […]


My August Wish List

We’re still keeping up with our monthly budget plans, which we originally started after watching Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University. It does really help to have a plan for our money at the beginning of the month, and we’re trying to save for a house, so we’ll probably keep doing these monthly budgets for awhile (maybe forever!). Anyways, at the end of the month Ben always has money left over in his […]
