
Reading & Watching

February is the perfect month for hanging out inside with a good book or show, some snacks, and a hot drink. That's basically about all I feel like doing until winter is over. When the weather is nice and sunny, I like getting outdoors. But when it's dreary, wet and cold, I feel no guilt about staying cozy inside! Here are some of my recent favorite books and shows. What about you? What have you been reading and watching?

Reading and watching: The books and TV shows that I've been loving this month

Recent Favorites  The Bachelor: I should probably be embarrassed to admit this, but I'm not...I'm a big Bachelor fan! It actually makes Mondays a little more bearable for me. And Ben Higgins is probably my favorite Bachelor so far. For those of you who are watching this season, who are you hoping he picks in the end? I'm rooting for Lauren B. / The Slow Regard of Silent Things: I loved Patrick Rothfuss' first two books, The Name of the Wind and The Wise Man's Fear. While I'm waiting for him to come out with the third book in that series, I thought I'd check out this short story, which is all about the world of Auri (one of the characters). I liked it! I would recommend starting with his other two books though...without the context of the main story, this one would probably be confusing. / Where'd You Go, Bernadette? I put this book on my "to read" list awhile ago, but didn't get around to it til recently. I see what all the fuss was about! It really is a great book. Unique, funny, poignant, and insightful...and it's based in Seattle! / The Lake House: I love Kate Morton books. Every one I've read so far has been great, and this was no exception. Full of layers of mystery, interesting characters, and a beautiful historic setting. /  Foyle's War: Some friends of ours recently recommended this show to us. It's a detective show set in England during WWII, and it's really good. Plus, it has nine seasons available to watch instantly on Netflix! You know what that means...binge watching. / Why Not Me? I'm currently reading Mindy Kaling's newest book and am loving it, of course. It's hilarious!

On my list  See Me: I really love Nicholas Sparks books (they are way better than the movies, ok?!) and have read every one. I put his newest book on hold at the library--hope it comes in soon! / Brooklyn: This movie looks beautifully done, and has great reviews! I'll probably wait til it comes out on DVD, but I'm looking forward to watching it.

So, what have you been up to this month? Any book/movie/TV show recommendations for me??

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  1. Posted by caslyn on Wednesday, February 24th, 2016

    The Bachelor is my guilty pleasure. I LOVE BEN (sorry husband). I wish he would end up with Jojo, but if he doesn't, I hope she's the next Bachelorette!!

    A book I just read and love was The Ladie's Room by Carolyn Brown. It is a lighter read and you fall in love with the characters.
    • Posted by Aileen on Wednesday, February 24th, 2016

      My guilty pleasure too! Jojo is gorgeous and seems very put-together and fun, but I feel like she's not as good of a match for Ben.

      Just looked up The Ladies' Room and it looks great! I'm putting it on hold at the library now. :)
  2. Posted by Ellen Lightner on Tuesday, April 19th, 2016

    Oh my gosh Aileen we have the same exact tastes. Last year I read Where'd You Go Bernadette (LOVE!!), Why Not Me and the Lake House. Loved all those books! Especially the first one. Oh and I've seen all the seasons of Foyle's War. But I will not stoop to such literary lows as reading Nicholas Sparks, hah :)
    • Posted by Aileen on Wednesday, April 20th, 2016

      Haha, yay!!! What are you reading now? I would love suggestions.

      Obviously, I AM willing to stoop to literary lows and television lows (Nicholas Sparks and The Bachelor in one post!). I like them proudly. :)